


MailEnable is a very capable and friendly eMail server. 

 Setting up an email in MailEnable is extremely easy with MailEnable Management :

  1. Messaging Manager > Post Offices > Create Postoffice...
  2. Messaging Manager > Post Offices > mydomaincom (newly created post office name) > Domains > New Domain...
  3. Messaging Manager > Post Offices > mydomaincom (newly created post office name) > Mailboxes > New mailbox...

Please pay attention to the user name.  It is usually userid@mydomaincom, not the same as the email address  In other words, there is no "." in the user name required for authentication.

To have web access (e.g. make available), one needs to configure IIS by adding a binding to

How to set up client apps such as Thunderbird and Outlook:

Please note that user name is id@mydomainorg, not


Incoming server (POP3): 110

Connection security: none.

Authentication method: Password, transmitted insecurely

Outgoing server (SMTP): 587

Connection security: none.

Authentication method: Password, transmitted insecurely



Incoming server (POP3): 143

Use the following type of encrypted connection: None to avoid prompt "Internet Security Warning" ... "The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that cannot be verified".

Outgoign server (SMTP): 465

Use the following type of encrypted connection: SSL/TLS (this may lead to  "Internet Security Warning" ... "The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that cannot be verified" the first time to send an email after Outlooks starts.